Place : Dublin

Dates : 21/04/2024 – 25/04/2024 (5 days, 4 nights)

Cost : 1100 euros (full payment at time of trip confirmation) 

Travel : Coach to Frankfurt airport: flight Frankfurt – Dublin

Accommodation : youth hostel (Jacob’s Inn)

Open to children 6ème to 3ème (18 children & 3 adults)


Day 1 : travel, city centre visit, Hughlane Gallery

Day 2 :  Irish day at the farm – hurling, playing the drums, making soda bread, feeding the animals, jumping in the bog!

Day 3 : Trinity College, Dublinia, shopping, “Grease” (theatre)

Day 4 : hike, Glendalough Monastery

Day 5 : EPIC Museum, travel